Argentine Tango Maestro Carlos «El Tordo» in Austria, Salzburg.
Carlos «El Tordo» Argentine Tango Maestro from Buenos Aires, in Salzburg, Austria.
First prize of Tango Dance at 15 years of age.
Maestro with more than 60 years of experience in Tango, Milonga and Argentine Waltz.
President of the National Academy of Tango of the Republic of Austria.
Director of the European Tango School based in Salzburg.
Corresponding Academic Member of the National Academy of Tango of the Argentine Republic.
Knight of the Order of the Mailbox of the Manoblanca Museum. New Pompeii. Buenos Aires.
Milonguero Medal for the oldest Milonga in the world, the «Club Sin Rumbo. The Cathedral of Tango». Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires. Argentina.
Former President of the International Association of Latin American Culture (AICLA).
Maestro Carlos «El Tordo» Director of the websites «El Tango Click», «Universo Coreográfico» and four Youtube Channels.
Example: «La Enciclopedia del Tango»
Diploma accrediting the designation of Carlos «El Tordo» as Corresponding Academic Member (accredited abroad) by the National Academy of Tango of the Argentine Republic.
The Argentine Tango community in Salzburg already has its own history and its own merits. We have:
Milongas organized by various pioneering entrepreneurs, such as Franz & Francine, since 1992:
And so many others of the new generations.
Milongas of the National Academy of Tango of the Republic of Austria ( GO TO OUR MILONGAS )
At The Urban Keller
At The Markussaal
If the event is accredited, also in anthological places…
Our private and group classes, Seminars, Workshops and Masterclasses ( GO TO ALL OUR COURSES ) and On Stage Performances of all kinds.
Social Lounge of the National Academy of Tango of Austria.
This was the former first room/studio of the Escuela Europea de Tango.
Room for Tango group classes, together with our partners of the prestigious Salsa Studio Salzburg.
What was our first headquarters of the National Academy of Tango of the Republic of Austria,
Which belongs to the National Academy of Tango of the Argentine Republic.
The Social Hall also of the European Tango School, Salzachstraße 12A. Salzburg. Aigen, which belongs to the Academia Nacional del Tango of the Argentine Republic and whose activities are developed both locally and worldwide ( GO TO ESCUELA EUROPEA DE TANGO )
Tango, a product of the soul of a society…
Tango is and/or has been part of the cultural life of the city with antecedents for example in:
The Landestheatre
The University of the Mozarteum of Salzburgo
The University of Salzburgo
The House of Literature (Literaturhaus)
The Orff Institut Universität Mozarteum Salzburg
Yoko (Markussaal)
The «Night of the Museums»
Museums like the Museum der Moderne
The Leopoldskron
Das Kino
In newspapers
For example here on the occasion of the creation of the Austrian National Tango Academy and the European Tango School.
Tango in Salzburg also received the attention of local TV (ORF) and Radio.
In Bars and restaurants
…such as the aforementioned Urban Keller, and the Republic, etc…
An enthusiastic Tango community in Salzburg, more than 20 years old, and very active associations.
This website itself originates in Salzburg, Austria, and is a leader in everything related to Tango in that it brings together Argentine Tango as a complete Culture, as an Institution with national and international repercussions, and as a pedagogy, among other aspects.
NOTA: En este capítulo, como en todos los demás, existe una agenda móvil para tratar el tema, que se actualiza constantemente. Explicaciones, videos, podcasts, talleres, documentos varios, etc. se irán añadiendo y enriqueciendo poco a poco, sobre todo en estas circunstancias en las que esta web empieza a subir el material de su especialidad, y porque también recibimos nuevas dudas e inquietudes. en nuestra interacción con las personas que nos visitan, a quienes tratamos con gusto de responder .